Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just to let you know about a video that changed my life. I don't know about anyone else
but I was shocked to find out what women went through so that we "women" could vote.

Here is how you order if you are also interested and I hope you will be as surprised and pleased
to learn what happened to our formothers as I was: You can order from

www. or call 1-800-264-5096

to order IRON JAWED ANGELS for only $8.26

it is a full length dvd - ( movie)-

Now more on women which is not just women because everything is related to everything
else so we are all, men and women on this planet together to learn how to relate to each other
and get along to our mutual satisfaction and to the goal of creating a more quality and satisfying life. I hope this is something everyone wants.

The Bible teaches domination and power over others. I get tired of living in a world of inequality

and exploitation and prejudice and greed and bigotry and discrimination. I don't know how

much the Bible had to do with these things but I do believe if it were not for the Bible, we would

have learned to get along for the mutual benefit of each other long ago. We have enough to

fear with storms, tornados, hurricaines, tsunamies, earth qualkes, diseases, illnesses, auto and

airplain crashes, etc. Why did we invent a god to instill even more fear? I don't know. I

do know we can start to think about this and change it if we want to. We don't have to have

wars and rumors of wars. All we have to do is stop doing what hurts anyone and start doing

what helps anyone. Simple. Maybe not easy though. People seem to fight change.

I can't or won't sing Joy To The World as long as there are homeless and hungry people and

children. Where is the social justice in parents working two and three jobs to feed their

children? I don't see any fairness in that and I'm pretty sure you don't either.

As far as I can tell every story told in the Bible originated from the Goddesses stories. At least

that is how it looks to me when I read mythology. (And I have read the Bible all the way through so I do have a frame of reference to compare the mythology with.) We are talking about the following stories:

Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden

The flood

Turning water to wine at the wedding

Christ being born in a cave (cave = womb) as a pagan which means country dweller.

Bethlehem means "The house of bread" this comes from the goddess ceres or goddess of
cereal - grain

The donkey symbolizes the lower self

They even have a story of a person who dies for 3 days and rises again but here is a twist
come to find out it is significant of the length of time the moon dies at the end of its cycle.

The goddess Aphrodite's number was guess what? 666 Not a sign of a beast at all
but of a woman they (the ones in power) wanted to put down and do away with.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Joseph Campbell was quoted as saying "Religion is a misinterpretation of mythology"

John Adams said "This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion
in it."

What about Blaise Pascal's quote: "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when
they do it from religious conviction."

Why am I writing this? It is certainly not to put down religion. It is to change how we

think about our beliefs. Really think rather than just follow by rote what someone has told us

to think. Elie Wiesel said "There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice,

but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." I am protesting what I see around

me in the name of religion. These are good people I am talking about, my family, my friends

and neighbors and others who are too afraid to take an objective look at what they have been

told to believe all their lives from childhood on. It is wrong to question the Bible or God or

the preacher. Is it? Is it really? What makes it wrong?

We have been evolving for so many thousands upon thousands of years. I don't want to see us

destroy ourselves and our potential futures because of "beliefs" that are not founded upon fact,

reason, knowledge or science. If this is sounding like a plea, I guess it is. I will get down

on my knees if it will help. It is important.

There is something else I would like to see change. That is the dress code thing. While I am

venting, I might as well go the whole distance and talk about that. Here comes another quote .

I am good at finding people to quote who say what I am thinking. This one is by Linda Ellerbee.

She said : "If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent

is it to start the day by tying a little noose around your neck?" We so often do things

without thinking, just because that's the way it was always done. If we keep doing that we

will surely never progress or learn or develop much in the way of creativity.

I do have one more quote. This is anotherone by Mark Twain:

"I cannot see how a man of any large degree of humorous perception

can ever be religious - except he purposely shut the eyes of his mind

and keep them shut by force."

So there we are....

Would you like one more? I hope so. Here it is:

"I sincerely detest it (the Bible) and detest everything that is cruel." Thomas Paine.

This is a repeat I know, but I thought it appropriate since I am talking about religion and the Bible specifically here today.

Thanks for reading. Anybody for change? Or, are you happy with the way it has played out for

us mostly because of religion and what people have believed and do believe now. How about

taking a little peek at the possibility of life without religion. To find out more about what life

could be like you might enjoy reading a book I am just reading for the second time called THE

END OF FAITH by Sam Harris.

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