Thursday, June 14, 2007

what i learned

It was 1977 and 37 years had gone by and nowhere had I run across what I was soon to find
that would change my life.

I don't know if you have ever run across something so important and impressive that it took
your breath away and caused you to dig and search and read everything you could get your
hands on. If you have, you know what I felt.

It was a long process. Afterall, I had led a very sheltered life. Always protected from the real
world by parents who believed they were doing well by me. They took me to church every
time it was opened and tought me what they thought were good, Christian ethics. What it
didn't teach me was how to judge for myself. How to think for myself. How to search my
own mind and heart for what was kind, just, honest and fair.

All that I found was because, for some kind reason, I was a determined seeker and would not
give up. Somehow when I couldn't get my questions answered as a child and young adult
I didn't give up. I kept asking, reading and looking for answers and I do feel like I have
found some. Because, there are no carved-in-stone answers like they teach in most churches.
New information is uncovered all the time making it important to be flexible and even open.

Maybe not so open, as my daughter says, that our brains fall out but open enough that we
can see things differently in the light of new evidence and findings.

So, what am I talking about?

What I would like to do is take you on a journey. A journey into the history or herstory of
women. Believe it or not, women have a history. This is what was so astonishing to me.

So, let's get started.

I hope this is as fasinating a journey as it has been for me.

First the books that opened my eyes and allowed me to see the whole world from a new and
fantastic perspective.

l. Women's Roots by June Stephenson

2. The Politics of Women's Spirituality - by Charlene Spretnak

3. Women Without Superstition - No Gods No Masters by Annie Laurie Gaylor (1997)


l. Iron Jawed Angels (about a Qualker - Alice Paul)

web sites:

That's it for starters. I can add to this later and it is getting late now so, make the day as good as you can.

amysdaughter here *

PS Later blogs about mythology, goddesses, vegan and vegetarianism, humanism etc.

alright. Very good.

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